Men’s Department

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”

The SW3 Men’s Department is dedicated to improving the lives of all men by being a catalyst in helping men understand their identity in the Kingdom of God. We take our inspiration from Romans 12:2 and believe CHANGED men inspire CHANGE in men.


By teaching a lifestyle of praying, fasting, and setting aside time to study God’s Holy Word, we seek to transform the mind according to Romans 12:2. This change and renewing will allow men to understand their roles as priests, prophets and providers and in turn will inspire other men to fulfill their rightful role in God’s Kingdom. We seek to minister to the holistic needs of men (mind, soul, spirit, and body) through regular fellowship, bible study, community involvement, and real conversation on the issues that affect men for us to know God's good, acceptable, and perfect will.

You will find that we strive to be integral while serving our Pastors and the local church. We will allow God to Lord over and govern our lives. Our hearts, words, and deeds are a sacrifice and testament to who God is in our lives. We vow to continue being the example of His will so that our legacies will be rich, written epistles that others may follow.


To engage, empower, and equip men to be biblically grounded men of faith willing to be used by God in their home, family, church, community, and the world while holding each other accountable to God’s standards.

Men’s Department Leadership Team:

Elder Carl Page, Chairperson
Vacant, Vice Chairperson
Minister Marcus Dixson, Sr., Secretary
Brother Jalen Bell, Assistant Secretary
Elder William Waters, Planning Committee Chairperson

Elder Carl Page

Men’s Department Chairperson

We take our inspiration from Romans 12:2 and believe CHANGED men inspire CHANGE in men.