Health Ministry
The Jurisdictional Health Ministry provides support to the Michigan Southwest Third Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction (SW3) with activities that promote health, healing, and wholeness to the members of SW3. The Director assists by empowering individuals and their families to navigate the complexities of health care, thus helping to bridge the gaps in health awareness, education, and prevention activities.
HEALTH and HOLINESS, developed by Missionary Andrea Page, serves as the cornerstone which anchors the path of health for every generation on our pursuit of excellence.
The Health Ministry seeks to experience overall health by sharing biblical and natural principles to equip and encourage a pathway to good health by providing health related resources and reinforcing preventive activities.
Health and Holiness seeks to bring physical and spiritual awareness through health education, counseling, and communication while providing a platform to effectively execute and promote the importance of good health to the members of SW3. The Health Ministry emphasizes our bodies are the temple of God and must be maintained.
Health Ministry Team:
Missionary Andrea Page, Health Programs & Policy Director
Sister Shonda Dixson, Resource Advisor
Lady Bridgett Hayes, Mental Health Advisor
The duties and responsibilities of the Jurisdictional Jurisdictional include:
Health Awareness
Health Counseling
Health Education
Referral to Health Resources
Redeemining the time with our health & Holiness
Please continue to protect yourself and others. If you feel sick or if you have been exposed, PLEASE GET TESTED!
Health Programs & Policy Director
Missionary Andrea Page
September 2021 SW3 HEALTH TALK
September: Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
May is both National Nurses Month and National Mental Health Awareness Month
SW3 April 2021 HEALTH TALK
National Minority Health Month
The Health Ministry emphasizes our bodies are the temple of God and must be maintained.